In this blog, we will provide you with an update on the impact of recent revisions to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Special Rule for the African Elephant on our business:
Revisions to the Endangered Species Act were recently announced with regard to African Elephant Ivory, providing for a near-total ban on commercial trade of African Elephant Ivory. The new rules are designed to help reduce illegal trade in African Elephant Ivory. As many of you are aware, Ivory has been an integral part of making Nantucket Baskets and these rule changes will impact its use in the making of Nantucket baskets.
Please be aware that all items crafted from African Elephant Ivory that we at HNCB have provided in the past, have been legally obtained under previous rules to the Endangered Species Act. We wholeheartedly support the new rules and will strictly adhere to them. Therefore, there will be several changes in how we trade in Ivory in the future. These are:
1. We will ship all existing orders for items crafted from African Elephant Ivory by July 6, 2016.
2. We will no longer purchase for resale, any items crafted from African Elephant Ivory after July 6, 2016.
3. We will no longer bring items crafted from African Elephant Ivory to conventions or workshops.
4. Existing items crafted from African Elephant Ivory (which were purchased and received by HNCB prior to July 6, 2016) may be available for purchase IN OUR STUDIO in Summerfield, NC. Our understanding is that we may sell existing stocks of items crafted from African Elephant Ivory within our state of North Carolina. However, as stated above, we will no longer ship any such items.
5. We will transition all items that may have been previously been made from African Elephant Ivory to Mammoth Ivory. Mamouth Ivory has deeper color and more prominent striations compared to African Elephant Ivory, and we hope that you will find it as interesting on your baskets as we do. However, items will cost a little more than items crafted from African Elephant Ivory has in the past.
6. We will continue to provide alternatives to items crafted from African Elephant Ivory such as, Mammoth Ivory, Ebony, Shed Antler, etc.
7. We will continue to explore additional alternatives as a replacement for African Elephant Ivory.
Please note that certain states have enacted laws more stringent than the new Federal Law, including, Hawaii, New Jersey, California, Washington and New York.
Here are two links to read for further information:
1. General Wildlife Service Q&A on the Revisions:
2. article on the ban: